Irish Bayrisch Gathering in Ireland 2013 (AUSGEBUCHT!)
First : What is Bayrisch? Bayrisch is the German word for „Bavarian“. Bavarians take pride in their homeland which has beautiful scenery and friendly people and is a very popular Tourist destination. So it’s no wonder that a lot of Bavarians have an affinity to the Emerald Isle or ”Die Grüne Insel” (the Green Isle) as they like to call it. The Irish Bayrisch Gathering in Ireland is a trip with a difference and will tale place between 17th and 24th October 2013.
Paul Daly, chairman of the German Irish society in Bavaria (Deutsch-Irischer Freundeskreis Bayern) and his fellow Irishmen Colm O’Tuama and Martin Cotter will bring a 50 strong group from Munich to show them the Ireland they know and love. The group will travel from Dublin to Wicklow, Wexford, Tramore and finishing up in Cork for two days. This trip promises to be a once in a lifetime oppurtunity for the visitors to get to see Ireland through “ Irish Eyes”.
Apart from the obligatory short sightseeing stops each day, the main focus is on the evening “Gatherings” which give the group a chance to meet and greet with locals in each town they visit while enjoying Irish entertainment. This will bring together local musicians and set dancers with their counterparts from Munich, as the German group will be accompanied by 5 musicians and a number of set dancers. The events each evening are open to the public and admittance is free. The organisers are encouraging local people to come along and chat to the visitors from Munich, many who will be visiting Ireland for the first time and thereby ensuring that they receive a “Cead Mile Failte” in each town they visit.
The list of the planned Gatherings is as follows:
Day 1. Thurs 17th October from 8.30pm Saggart Co. Dublin.
The Gathering will take place at St. Mary’s GAA Club, Saggart Co. Dublin between 8.30 and 11.30pm. Local musicians will join those from Munich for an evening of irish music and dance. Local residents are encouraged to come along and extend an Irish welcome to the visitors from Munich.
Saggart is close to Baldonnel Airdrome where in March 1928 the first East-West transatlantic flight took off. This successful venture was the result of german technology and a German-Irish crew. So Saggart is indeed a fitting place for the german group to start their visit.
Day 2. Fri. 18th October from 8pm. Aras Chronain, Clondalkin Co. Dublin.
The Munich group are very interested in visiting Aras Chronain to witness the tremendous work being done to make Ireland’s language and Culture relevant to young and old in Clondalkin today. The evening kicks of at 8pm with a set dancing class with Jim Monaghan followed by an evening of ceol and dancing with Ceoltóirí Chrónáin & the Munich guests.
Day 3. Sat. 19th October from 8.30pm at Kiltegan Co.Wicklow.
After a journey through the Wicklow Mountains and a short stop at Glendalough, the Munich group will get together with locals in Kiltegan, Co. Wicklow for a “Meet and Greet” and live session with dancing. The Gathering is split between two pubs in the village. Katie Lowe’s will host an Irish session which will include the 5 musicians travelling from Munich with the visitors, while across the road the “Talk of the Town” pub provides the dance floor for the set dancing. The festivities are open to the public and admittance is free and it is hoped that people from Baltinglass and as far away as Tullow will join the Kiltegan villagers to welcome the group from Munich.
Day 4. Sun 20th October from 9pm Wexford Town.
The Riverbank House Hotel is the venue for the Sunday Gathering in Wexford town. Local music shop owner John Roche has put together a number of local session musicians who will join the 5 musicians travelling from Munich for what promises to be a great evening of Irish entertainment in the beautiful public bar in this period hotel. Locals from Wexford are encouraged to come along and extend a Wexford welcome to the visitors from Munich. Once again the Gathering is open to the public and there is no cover charge.
Day 5 Mon 21st October from 8.30pm Tramore, Co Waterford
Day 5 sees the group arrive in Tramore to team up with the Tramore Comhaltas Branch for an evening of Irish entertainment which gives Tramore residents an opportunity to come along and chat with the German visitors. The evening will be hosted by local Comhaltas Chairperson, music teacher and flute player Aine McCarthy-Kent and will take the form of a traditional Irish music session with some dancing.
The Gathering will take place at the well known “Grand Hotel” in Tramore from 8.30pm, is open to the public and admittance is free
Day 6. Tuesday 22nd October 9pm Cork City.
After an opportunity to visit the sights in Cork City, musicians from the Munich group will join a group of Cork musicians put together by Mairead McCorley for a session of traditional Irish music from 9pm in the “Spailpin Fanach”, one of Cork City’s favourite hostelries. Cork City residents are encouraged to come along and meet the visitors from Germany and let them sample some famous Cork hospitality. The Gathering starts at 8:30pm and there is no cover charge. We are very grateful to Cork City council for their support of Our Gathering event in Cork and their active participation in the Gathering initiative in Ireland 2013.
Day 7 Wednesday 23rd October 8.30pm Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
The final evening in Ballincollig GAA Club will be hosted jointly by Ballincollig Comhaltas branch and the Aghinagh branch of Comhaltas , who themselves visited Munich in 2009 for a weekend full of music and dance in the heart of Bavaria. The first half of the evening’s entertainment begins with the Ballincollig, Aghinagh and Munich groups giving a 20 minute performance. The second half of the evening will take the form of an open session with the musicians from Munich joining the local musicians and dancers. This Gathering is also open to the public and admittance is free. The visit concludes on Thursday 24th when the Munich group will fly from Cork Airport back to Germany.
Munich has a small but very active Irish Community. The number of Irish people living in the City is estimated at 950 with a further 1000 living in the Munich suburbs. Besides the German Irish Society (DIF), Munich boasts its own GAA Club “Munich Colmcilles” and a branch of the Irish Business network as well as a very active Irish Folk Club.
The German Irish Society promotes understanding between Irish and German people living in Bavaria and places a special emphasis on presenting Irish culture and literature in Munich. DIF organises and supports many events each year including mainland Europe’s largest St. Patrick’s Day Parade , a three day festival of Irish music dance and sport “Greenfarm” in June and a festival of Irish and Bavarian music in September.
Outgoing Irish ambassador to Germany Mr Dan Mulhall has said: ”Munich is the True Irish Capital of Germany”.
DIF has welcomed many groups from Ireland to Munich over the years to participate at the annual parade or other cultural events in the city and the “Gathering” in Ireland 2013 gives the Irish community in Munich the chance to bring their German friends back home to Ireland
siehe auch: 13.-15.9.13: 3. Münchner Irish/Bayrisch Kulturfestival, Live: Irische und Bayrische Bands sowie Tanzgruppen
Sendlinger Tor Platz, Eintritt frei, Festival findet bei jedem Wetter statt. Veranstalter: Kennedy’s Bar and Restaurant, Daly & Fleming GbR
Fr., 13.9., 16.30h; Sa., 14.9., 11h; So., 15.9., 10.30h
Paul Daly (Center)