2024 Dream (Team?) El-Don

2024 Dream (Team?) El-Don


D.J. Trump as ’statesman‘: a disaster!

‚This art‘, DJT simply does not master

Donalds ‚cane‘ is Elton Musk

Guiding him is El’s primarily task

Is half USA (now DSA) going crazy?

Electing a man, who never gets lazy,

to make America obsolete again,

talking it down, as often as he can.

Musk is always by Trumps side.

He is his crutch, holds him tight.

Closes his mouth with billions.

No interest to invest in civilians

Actually – nobody can be sure,

if El-Don share any kind of ‚amour‘

or whether the ‚glue“ is cold commercial interest

quasi immoral, money-based, incest?

Genius and Madness live close together

Currently it’s open – whether

madness will wipe out brain and morality

to rise mankind on fake based destiny

DSA „Divided States of America“: born now

USA existed yesterday, anybody remembers how?Questions arise about Trump and his MAGA-crew

Democrats in shock. Too gaga, too much to chew
